Friday, July 29, 2011

242: people come & go ------

Dalam hidup memang ada yang datang dan pergi. Bayi yg baru lahir, org yg pergi meninggalkan dunia selamanya. Kalau fikir balik, bile kite ke tempat baru, mesti akan kenal dgn org baru, dan bile waktu2 tertentu, org yg kite kenal mase tu akan hilang mcm tu je. Ade jg yg sebelum ni hanya kenal rupe, tp tb2 boleh jadi kawan yang kekal selamanya. Hidup bukan kite yg tetapkan. Kite cume boleh cuba jadi yg terbaik, lalui setiap jalan yang ada. Semua dah ditetapkan oleh-NYA.

Kadang-kadang bile fikir betul2, rase sayang sgt2 bile org yang kite pernah kenal jadi org asing. Rase serba salah, perlu ke hantar msg untuk tanye kabar, atau terus je diam biarkan semuanya terjadi secara kebetulan.

Lagi beberapa hari dh nk mulai Ramadhan. Ade juga niat dlm hati ni nk contact orang2 yang pernah rapat sebelum ni. Lupakan kejadian yg dh berlalu, hantar msg cukup untuk tanye kabar, mcm mudah je kan? Hhmm...

Rasulullah SAW bersabda maksudnya:

"Siapa yang ingin dilapangkan rezekinya dan dilapangkan usianya, hendaklah ia memelihara hubungan silaturrahim"

(Hadith Riwayat Bukhari & Muslim)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

241: oversleeping ---------------


yes, beberape hari (minggu, bulan) ni aku asyik terlebih-lebih tidur. Tidur mcm taknak bangun, bangun bile rase taknak tidur je. ;D Macam biase, bile ade habit yang tak brape sihat ni, aku pn gune la Mr Yahoo/Mr Google untuk tau ape side effects bile melebihkan tidur.. dah bace beberape articles, oohhhoooooooooo.. terus insaf n bertekad nak tidur 7jam je sehari demi kesihatan diri sdiri..

Antara Medical Problems Linked to Oversleeping : diabetes, heart disease, obesity, headaches, back pain, depression and increased risk of death.

ape???? DEATH??

Multiple studies have found that people who sleep nine or more hours a night have significantly higher death rates than people sleeping seven to eight hours a night. No specific reason for this correlation has been determined. But researchers found that depression and low socioeconomic status are also associated with longer sleep. They speculate these factors could be related to the observed increase in mortality for people who sleep too much.


p/s: tidur 7-8jam cukup ok!!!

jadi pengapit for my Besty Farah...
(kali ke 3 ni jadi pengapit)

Monday, July 18, 2011

240: hidup itu pilihan ---------

hidup itu pilihan..

pilihan untuk terus hidup, pilihan untuk bangun atau sambung tidur, pilihan untuk makan atau kelaparan, pilihan untuk gosok gigi sebelum tido atau terus tido, pilihan nak pakai lotion atau biar kan kulit kering, pilihan untuk shampoo rambut sekarang atau esok .. Semua yg kite buat tiap2 hari tu adalah pilihan nak buat ke tak nak buat. Penat bile semua bende pn jadi pilihan, tapi mmg tu la name kehidupan. Tapi tak semua pilihan ade kat tgn kite, kadang2 kite kene bergantung dengan org lain yang buat pilihan. Jadi, kene bersabar bile pilihan tu bukan untuk kite pilih..

Bile diri dalam dilema, tak tau nk pilih yang mane satu, mase tu rase mase terbuang sia2. Tapi manusia memang perlukan mase untuk berfikir sebelum buat pilihan.. Arrgghhh.. byk sgt kne fikir.. skrg yang kene fikir..

bile nk balik raye?? tiket mahal ke tak ni?? yeahh raye!!.. hal lain tak payah fikir, semua tak brape penting.. hehee~ lagi satu, baju raye dh siap ke x?? paling bahaye ni kl baju raye tak sempat siap. hihiii.. pilihan nk jahit manik ke tak kat baju raye?? ahakss~

p/s: harap2 blh puase penuh sebulan nnt Ramadhan.. (blh berharap je la..hahaa)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

239; Honey & Lime

my new favorite drink

Honey & Lime juice

1 cup water
1 tsp honey
1/2 tsp lime juice
Mix hot water with honey and lime juice, stir and drink.

Lime juice is a very rich source of vitamin C which helps in boosting the imunity and is a “Liver Detoxifier” while “Honey” is a better form of sugar, which provides many Vitamins & Minerals and is an energy booster. which keeps us active throughout by enhancing our work performance therby resulting in calorie burn.

Start your day with lime juice with warm water and a teaspoon of honey in it and see how you move through your day charged well.

A cleansing, refreshing, zesty way to start your day


Prescription Herbal Acne tackle

There is nothing wrong, you try to use natural ingredients to overcome the acne on the face by eliminating the causes of the appearance of acne. For example, using a mask of honey and lime juice.

In the honey, there is a useful antiseptic substances to kill bacteria that exist on the face can cause acne increasingly inflamed. Meanwhile, lemon juice can reduce the oil on the face so as to prevent dirt stuck to the face.

Here are the steps to create a mask of lemon juice:

* Take a lime and squeeze the water as much as 1 teaspoon.
* Mix the lime juice had been with 1 teaspoon honey.
* Spread on face and let stand for 30 minutes.
* Rinse with cold water.

Do it regularly, acne can go from your face.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

238: mencintaimu -------------------

Kris Dayanti - Mencintaimu


Seumur hidupku
Setia menanti
Walau di hati saja...
Seluruh hidupku
Kau tetap milikku

Hanya satu yang tak mungkin kembali
Hanya satu yang tak pernah terjadi
Teramat berarti di hatiku

Seumur hidupku
Kau tetap milikku


Teringat kat lagu Kris Dayanti ni sbb nyanyi ngan Lika mase karoke baru ni.. Best kan lagu lame cmni.. ;)

Lately, mmg suke sgt lepak tgk tv/movie.. pastu bile tgk scene yg romantic+sweet, slalu terfikir.. wujud ke lelaki yg camni kat dunia nyata??? hohooo~

  1. lelaki selalu bukak pintu kereta unt perempuan
  2. lelaki masak untuk celebrates special event
  3. lelaki tulis love letters sampai berlembar2
  4. lelaki propose/jerit ckp suke di tempat umum khalayak ramai
  5. lelaki kaye hensem jatuh cinta kat perempuan comot miskin

p/s: smalam mimpi sweet sgt2..hrp2 mlm ni pn mimpi best! ;D

237: sleeping beauty syndrome

Nak update blog, tp tatau nk tulis ape. Betul2 takde idea or byk sgt idea? hahaa.. mane2 je la. Sekarang ni tgh dlm mode nk terime kenyataan yg terpakse diterime. Hasil dari depress dan stress, habis la bilik ni jadi spa.. Macam biasa, bukak salon sendiri buat creambath rambut, body scrub, buff kuku tgn dan kaki sampai berkilat mcm pakai nail polish.. ;D

Skrg aku cume pegi clinical kat hospital hari isnin n selase saje, Selain hari tu lepak kat umah.. (owh, hidup sgt bosan). Sebab terlalu bosan, sedih, stress, nak bukak fb update status pn malas. Kalau update status kat twitter rajin la skit..

Akibat dari kekurangan pekerjaan yg aku rajin nk buat, mase lapang aku isi ngan tido (dh tolak ngan mase makan, masak, kemas blk, tgk korean drama, tgk tv, tgk movie).. Tadi mse tgk tv, baru tau rupenye mmg wujud Sleeping Beauty Syndrome.. hihiii.. Pastu teringat la yg sejak sekolah menengah, org panggil aku Sleeping beauty sbb hobi tidoo.. sampai kat Indonesia ni pn ade kwn2 Indonesian yg panggil sleeping beauty..Bile dh tido, susah nk bangun.. hahaa~

Jom kite check kat wikipedia~ link

Kleine-Levin Syndrome or KLS (also known as Sleeping Beauty Syndrome) is a neurological disorder characterized by recurring periods of excessive amounts of sleep and altered behavior. At the onset of an episode the patient becomes drowsy and sleeps for most of the day and night (hypersomnolence), waking only to eat or go to the bathroom. When awake, the patient’s whole demeanor is changed, often appearing “spacey” or childlike[citation needed]. They also experience confusion, disorientation, complete lack of energy (lethargy), and lack of emotions (apathy). Individuals are not able to attend school or work or care for themselves. Most are bedridden, tired, and uncommunicative even when awake.

Louisa Ball is a normal 15-year-old girl in every way but one: She sleeps for days at a time and cannot be woken. Louisa suffers from Kleine-Levin Syndrome (aka Sleeping Beauty Sickness), a disease with no cure that clears up after 8-12 years of suffering from it. Her longest "nap" has lasted 13 days, and there's nothing doctors can do to stop it.

p/s: hmmm.. parah kut kl kene syndrome ni.. hohooo~

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

237: Everything Happens For A Reason

Everything Happens For A Reason

Sunday, March 26, 2006;

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible,
painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never realize your potential, strength, will power or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test limits of your soul.

Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create whom you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to little things. Make every day count. Appreciate everything that you possibly can, for you may never experience it again.

Talk to people whom you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to.

Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. Create you own life and then go out and live it.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

236: Centerpiece ---------------

Simple Wedding Centerpiece Ideas

Dah lame tak buat post psl wedding. Jom tgk idea for table centerpiece..
Bende2 cmni hanya untuk penyeri majlis je. Kalau ade bajet lebih, boleh la buat grand kn, tp kl takde bajet bleh buat yg simple2 je. Bagi aku bende ni bleh tambah seri kat majlis, so kire wajib ade!! hehehee~

Ni antara fav aku, gelas cmni comfirm mmg ade kat umah.
Letak lilin n buat cover ngan kertas pembalut.. yeahhh..

Yang ni antara idea yg simple. Campur bunga dan daun, letak air dlm bekas, Siap!!

Same je ngan yg atas, tp bunge tu ikat dlu dgn ribbon..
Suke la campur2 bunge cmni ;D

Ape yg lain dgn yg ni?? gune paper bag!!!
comel sgt!

Ade tin yg comel2??
Boleh buat cmni. :)

Tak payah gune bunge,
gune batu2 warne-warni pn menarik jugee!

nk cake comel cmni.. ;)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

234 : afgan; panah asmara ------------

weekend mane blh stress, rugi kl stress mase weekend cmni (ckp blh la, hohoo).. Oleh kerane itu, kite lupekan psl bende2 yg blh buat otak ni jadi tepu. Relax2 dlu..hohooo.. skrg mood makan cookies + susu chocolate (sedapppnyeee!!).. rindu la kat chipsmore, kat Indonesia ni tak wujud chipsmore. Yg mirip2 chipsmore ade la, cookies "good time".

Sempena weekend, layan lagu Afgan ni sampai muntah!~ ;D



Afgan – Panah Asmara

Berdebar rasa di dada setiap kau tatap mataku
Apakah arti pandangan itu menunjukkan hasratmu
Sungguh aku telah tergoda saat kau dekat denganku
Hanya kau yang membuatku begini
Melepas panah asmara

Sudah katakan cinta sudah kubilang sayang
Namun kau hanya diam tersenyum kepadaku
Kau buat aku bimbang kau buat aku gelisah
Ingin rasanya kau jadi milikku

Ku akan setia menunggu satu kata yang terucap
Dari isi hati sanubarimu yang membuatku bahagia

Sungguh aku telah tergoda saat kau dekat denganku
Hanya kau yang membuatku begini
Melepas panah asmara

Back to Reff:

Panah asmara panah asmara panah asmara

Back to Reff:

Kau buat aku bimbang kau buat aku gelisah
Ingin rasanya kau jadi milikku
Kau buat aku bimbang kau buat aku gelisah
Ingin rasanya kau jadi milikku
Panah asmara panah asmara panah asmara

Friday, July 8, 2011

233: having a coke with you -----

baru lepas tgk movie Beastly (2011)..


—Frank O'Hara

is even more fun than going to San Sebastian, IrĂșn, Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonne
or being sick to my stomach on the Travesera de Gracia in Barcelona
partly because in your orange shirt you look like a better happier St. Sebastian
partly because of my love for you, partly because of your love for yoghurt
partly because of the fluorescent orange tulips around the birches
partly because of the secrecy our smiles take on before people and statuary
it is hard to believe when I'm with you that there can be anything as still
as solemn as unpleasantly definitive as statuary when right in front of it
in the warm New York 4 o'clock light we are drifting back and forth
between each other like a tree breathing through its spectacles

and the portrait show seems to have no faces in it at all, just paint
you suddenly wonder why in the world anyone ever did them

I look
at you and I would rather look at you than all the portraits in the world
except possibly for the Polish Rider occasionally and anyway it's in the Frick
which thank heavens you haven't gone to yet so we can go together the first time
and the fact that you move so beautifully more or less takes care of Futurism
just as at home I never think of the Nude Descending a Staircase or
at a rehearsal a single drawing of Leonardo or Michelangelo that used to wow me
and what good does all the research of the Impressionists do them
when they never got the right person to stand near the tree when the sun sank
or for that matter Marino Marini when he didn't pick the rider as carefully
as the horse

it seems they were all cheated of some marvelous experience
which is not going to go wasted on me which is why I am telling you about it

—Frank O'Hara

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

232: a guy & a girl ----------

kakak (my lovely cousin)!!
sy curi dr tumbler awk! ;D
love it!

click here "wanie besh"

231 : pepsodent whitening ---------

mode: stress tahap nk depress..

Tadi temankan housemate aku Didi gi Indomaret (mcm 7e kat Msia). Punye la blur tgk brg2, so aku pn ambik ubat gigi pepsodent whitening. Sejak study kat Indonesia ni, blh ckp tiap2 hari minum Teh. Semua jenis teh pn aku suke. Pagi ptg siang mlm mesti nk minum Teh. Walaupn kl tgk2, sbenanye takde la kuning sgt gigi ni. Kl gigi dentist pn kuning, mau nye kene gelak ngan patient..hehheee~

Jom gune ubat gigi Pepsodent whitening ni untuk 2 minggu, n tgk hasil nya!! ;D

rasenye pepsodent ni pn ade kat Msia..

Sebelum tu kite kene ukur dulu warne gigi dengan Kartu Pengukur Warne gigi.. Kartu ni ade kat blakang kotak, gunting je n letak kat gigi!!

kl tgk2, warne gigi skrg kat number 3 (6 July 2011). Kite tgk lagi 2minggu (20 July 2011) k..

p/s; byk doa+zikir+sabar... Semoga semua urusan dipermudahkan..
Be strong+have Faith!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

230 : stress again -----------------


minggu ni minggu paling stress, tiap2 hri blk dr clinic rase nk pengsan.. nasib baik bile blk rumah mmg dh takde tanggung jawab lain.. kl btol2 pengsan pn mmg tak jd masalah, tak ganggu sape2..

byk2 selawat
byk2 bersyukur
byk2 Doa

“Rabbi Yassir wala tu-‘assir. Rabbi tham-mim bil hayr. Rabbi zidni ‘ilman war-zuqni fahman.”

“O my Lord, make things easier for me, do not make things difficult for me. O My Lord, let my affairs end with goodness. O my Lord, increase my knowledge and grant me understanding.”

p/s: everyday minum byk mineral water...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

229: ---- contract ------

I hereby agree to these conditions especially the last one..


Friday, July 1, 2011

228 : July ------------

!!!!!!!!!!!JULY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excited ngan bulan baru!!!
Cepat kan mase berlalu, tau2 dh bulan 7, dh nak habis pn tahun 2011. Bile check balik list bende yg nk buat untuk 2011,(derma darah, bake a cake, blog)..Aku blum derma darah!!! mmg lupe la psl dh niat nk derma darah ni, huhuu ~Ni semua sbb asyik fikir psl diri sdiri je, sampai lupe psl nk derma darah kat org lain. Kene cari mase yg sesuai ni unt derma darah. Tapi sbelum tu kene check darah dlu la kan. Yg paling penting kolestrol ape kabar??hehehhehe~ Sekarang pn asyik2 lupe makan oats. Haiiyyyooo, ape nk jadi ngan diri sdiri ni...
Sebelum nasi jadi bubur, baik smangat balik untuk jd yg terbaik!!

Harap2 bulan July ni, kite akan dijauhkan dari dugaan dan malapetaka..

Sepanjang 6bulan untuk tahun 2011, dh byk sgt2 bende yg jadi. Bende2 yg tak pernah terfikir akan jadi, pn boleh jadi. TUHAN mmg Maha Berkuasa dan Maha Penyayang. Ape yg Dia bagi kat kite atau ambik balik dari kite, semua tu mesti yang terbaik untuk kite. Bersyukur dengan semuanya dan tetap terus berdoa semoga diberikan yang lebih baik. Jangan Berputus Asa!!

Jom buat list untuk bende2 yg nk buat sepanjang bulan JULY!!
(at least ade niat nk buat.. hihii)

1. Solat awal waktu+ puase sunat 10hari
(yg 2 ni mmg wajib top of list setiap bulan, kne kasi star* kat calendar hari ape nk puase)

2. makan oats setiap hari!!
(unt 1st July, dh makan td!! ;))

3. minum air putih 1Liter/ hari
(kl air manis esp tea laju je minum habis 1 botol, kl mineral water mmg liat!!)

ok, dah cukup.. kl byk sgt nnt satu pn tak buat..
akhir bulan ni check kolestrol ye..
untuk derma darah, buat after raye kat Msia ok!!

p/s: everyday wajib senyum.. hehehhe~

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