smlam migraine sakit gileee sampai klua air mate..huhu~ muntah klua mcm air terjun kut. ni antare penyakit yg paling best yg aku dapat dr famly sbelah mama.. pape pn, Alhmdulillah..
wikipedia ckp:
The typical migraine headache is unilateral pain (affecting one half of the head) and pulsating in nature, lasting from 4 to 72 hours; symptoms include nausea, vomiting, photophobia (increased sensitivity to light), phonophobia (increased sensitivity to sound), and is aggravated by routine activity
When you do get migraine symptoms, try to treat them right away. The headache may be less severe. When migraine symptoms begin:
- Drink water to avoid dehydration, especially if you have vomited
- Rest in a quiet, darkened room
- Place a cool cloth on your head
abis crite psl migraine.. sbenanye b4 kene migraine smlm, daku+dewi+dewo gi wedding Mbak Nisa kat Phoenix Hotel. spatutnye wedding ni super meriah sbb buat kat area swimming pool semua, tp malang tak berbau ptg tu hujan lebat sampai mlm. cake semua kene hujan, pelamin yg cun melecun tu pn tak leh pakai sbb basah.. sedih je tgk.. huhuu~ ni la serbe sikit gmbar smlm. owh, ni first time pakai baju lace, baju plak besar esp bahu n lengan, tak sempat lg nk g anta taylor blk.hehee~
p/s: mane pic pengantin?? hahaa~ org ramai sgt2, so susah sgt2 nk ambik gambar pengantin.. ;D
mak aih kek pon kne ujan?
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