Wednesday, December 15, 2010

seventy one -----------

mode: dh lame kn tak buat post psl gigi.. huuhu~

toothbrush atau berus gigi

basic yg korg kene tau bile nk beli berus gigi..

1. jenis bulu berus gigi
- ade soft, medium n hard.

- pilih yg soft bile korg rase cara korg berus gigi tu gune tekanan yg kuat, pilih yg hard bile care korg berus
gigi tu slow n kurang tekanan.
- jenis bulu soft + tekanan kuat = medium
- jenis bulu hard + tekanan slow = medium
- commonly, hard bristles/brushes can damage teeth and gums, and are not recommended.

wafa's choice= soft ;D

2. bentuk hujung kepala berus gigi

- ade petak, bulat n runcing

- pilih petak kl mulut korg besar, n runcing bile mulut korg kecik. yang penting, berus gigi tu boleh masuk sampai gigi yg paling belakang..

wafa's choice= runcing ;D

3. harga berus gigi

- ade mahal, sedang, murah
- beli yg mahal bile korg mmg pemalas nk tukar berus gigi, beli yg murah bile korg spesis yg suke tukar berus gigi.
- murah= bulu tak tahan lame, mahal= bulu tahan lame
- kl yg sedang, maximum kene tukar every 3 months

- bile bulu dh kembang, mmg wajib tukar ok..

wafa's choice= sedang, tukar every 2 months

since bile kanak2 kene start berus gigi?

-bile tumbuh je gigi susu yg pertama (biasenye umur 6bln), gune towel or special toothbrush (baby's bristle toothbrush @ finger toothbrush). gosok kat gigi gune air je dh ok. ;D

p/s: kl nk tanye pape psl gigi, jgn segan2 k.. tulis je kat comment or u can email me

links: tooth1, tooth2


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